The Embassy provides assistance to Singaporeans who have lost or had their passports stolen while visiting Korea.
Please call the Embassy at Tel: +82-(0)2-774-2464~7 during office hours to report the loss or email us at Where possible, please provide us with your Full Name, NRIC, Date of Birth and Passport Number.
Singaporeans who have lost their passports while travelling in Korea should first report the loss to a neighbourhood police post. Please request a copy of the Loss Property Report.
Thereafter, you may choose to either: or
Upon confirmation of your citizenship from the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), a Document of Identity (DOI) can be issued to you to return to Singapore only.
You will be required to appear in person at the Singapore Embassy to collect the DOI during office hours on weekdays.
Upon your return to Singapore, you will need to surrender the DOI and apply for a new passport at ICA.
For Singapore citizens who are working or studying in the country, the Embassy can assist you in your application for a replacement passport.
Please see Passport Application and Renewal for more information.
If you manage to recover your lost passport, please inform the Embassy immediately.
Fees (as of 1 January 2023)
KRW 16,000 (Document of Identity)
Processing Time:
At least 1 working day for DOI if identity of applicant can be verified. Applicants are kindly advised to re-schedule your departure date out of the Republic of Korea, if necessary.
Other Information
If you need advice or more information, please contact the Embassy at:
Tel: +82-(0)2-774-2464~7
Important Notice
Please note that the DOI is used to facilitate your one-way return to Singapore in the event your passport is lost/damaged so that you may apply for a replacement passport in Singapore.