Publication of ICA's News Release (18 August 2022) - Singaporeans With Year-End Travel Plans Are Advised To Apply For Passports Now

19 Aug 2022

Advisory by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority for Singaporeans to Apply for Passports


The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) would like to advise Singaporeans to submit their passport application now if they are holding expired passport or passport with less than six months validity. This will avoid another surge for application of passports towards end of the year and provide sufficient time for ICA to meet the demand for year-end travels. Singaporeans who submit their passport late will risk not being able to collect their passport in time for their travel.


Points to note when submitting passport applications:


2. Online submission: Passport applications can be submitted online via the ICA website ( or via MyICA mobile application.


3. Adherence to the photo guidelines: To avoid unnecessary delay, Singaporeans who choose to take a photo of themselves for passport applications are advised to refer to the photo guidelines on ICA’s website ( Applicants with photo that does not meet the passport guidelines will be required to resubmit a new photo. Some common reasons for photo rejection include photos with non-white backgrounds, laterally inverted images, and using photos which are not current. In addition, photos with uneven brightness or shadows on the applicant’s face, or reflection/glare on the applicant’s spectacles, may also be rejected as they can create inconsistent patches on the facial image eventually laser-engraved on the passport.


4. Checking of application status: Applicants can check on their passport application status via the ICA website or MyICA Mobile. Those whose passports are ready for collection will receive an email or a pink notification card from ICA. They may then proceed to make an appointment online to collect their passport from ICA Building or any of the 29 designated post offices. There is no additional fee for passport collection at the post offices.


5. For passport applicants in Shanghai: It takes about 2 to 3 weeks for the passports to reach the Consulate General of the Republic of Singapore in Shanghai, after the passport application is approved. Further logistical delays cannot be ruled out due to the unpredictable COVID situation. The Consulate will inform the applicant, via the contact details (e.g email address) provided at the point of passport application when their passport arrives and is ready for collection. Collection of passport can be done at the Consulate located at 89 Wanshan Road, Shanghai 200336 between 09:00 - 11:30 hrs or 14:00 - 16:30 hrs, Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays, appointment is not required). Please refer to our notification email for prevailing local disease control measures required for entry to the Consulate and detailed instructions on what documents are required during passport collection.


6. Applicants with enquiries on passport matters can refer to FAQs on the ICA website, contact the passport hotline at 68125555 (Operating Hours: 8.30am to 11.59pm daily)  or reach out to ICA via the Live Chat on ICA’s website (Live Chat hours: 8am - 5pm on Mon – Fri, 8am - 1pm on Sat).









2. 在线提交:护照申请可以通过ICA网站(或MyICA手机应用程序在线提交。


3.  遵守照片指南:为避免不必要的延误,建议选择为自己拍照申请护照者参考 ICA 网站上的照片指南( )。照片不符合护照准则的申请者将被要求重新提交新照片。照片拒绝的一些常见原因包括具有非白色背景的照片、横向倒置的图像以及使用不是最新的照片。此外,申请人脸上的亮度或阴影不均匀,或申请人的眼镜上有反光/眩光的照片也可能会被拒绝,因为它们可能会在最终激光雕刻在护照上的面部图像上产生不一致的斑块。


4.  查询申请状态:申请人可通过ICA网站或MyICA Mobile手机应用程序查询护照申请状态。能领取新护照的申请者将收到一封来自 ICA 的电子邮件或粉红色的通知卡。然后,他们可以进行在线预约,从新加坡 ICA 大楼或 29 个指定邮局中的任何一个领取护照。在邮局领取护照不收取额外费用。


5. 上海市护照申请者:护照申请获批后,护照大约需要2-3周时间才能到达新加坡共和国驻上海总领事馆。由于疫情严峻复杂,不能排除有延误的现象。当护照到达上海市并能领取时,领事馆将通过护照申请时提供的联系方式(例如电子邮件地址)通知申请者。周一至周五(公共假期除外,无需预约)09:00 - 11:30  14:00 - 16:30 之间可前往位于上海市万山路 89 号的总领事馆领取护照。请参阅领馆发出的通知电子邮件,了解当地防控措施所需以及在领取护照时需要哪些文件的详细说明。


6.  申请者如对护照事宜有任何疑问,可参考 ICA 网站常见问题解答,拨打护照热线 68125555(营业时间:每天上午 8.30 至晚上 11.59)或通过 ICA 网站上的Live Chat在线沟通(周一至周五上午 8 点至下午 5 点,周六上午 8 点至下午 1 点)。

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