• Export, import, invest in Singapore
  • Macro-economic indicators


Export, import, invest in Singapore

Government Agencies

The International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore) promotes Singapore’s foreign trade, helps local companies to internationalise, attracts international firms to Singapore, and facilitates trading operations between Singaporean companies and foreign companies.

The Economic Development Board (EDB) formulates and implements the industrial and economic strategies of Singapore. The EDB is also in charge of attracting foreign investments. The Paris office of the EDB (Tel: 01 44 50 58 30 / Fax: 01 42 97 53 55) is at 356, rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris.

French and Franco-Singapore bodies

The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (FCCS) promotes French business in Singapore.


Macro-economic Indicators

Besides regular reading of the economic daily Business Times, the official statistics on the Singapore economy can be consulted on the site of the Department of Statistics.

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