Title  Name Responsibilities 
Permanent Representative H.E. Mr Burhan GafoorAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Head of Mission
Deputy Permanent Representative  Mr Mark Seah Deputy Head of Mission
Acting Deputy Permanent Representative and Counsellor (OEWG, Digital Cooperation and Cyber Security) Ms Clarice Lim UN Matters
Acting Deputy Permanent Representative and Counsellor (Political) Ms Felicia Chua  UN Matters
Minister-Counsellor (Administration and Consular) Mr Adrian Chan Administrative Matters
Minister-Counsellor (Legal) Mr Nathaniel Khng UN Matters 
First Secretary (Political) Ms Dhivya Rajandran UN Matters
First Secretary (OEWG, Digital Cooperation and Cyber Security) Mr Matthew Wong
UN Matters
First Secretary (Political)  Mr Vivek Ganesh UN Matters  
First Secretary (Sustainable Development) Mr Jason Tan 
UN Matters
First Secretary (Social and Humanitarian Issues) Ms Bernice Teo UN Matters
Second Secretary ( Administration and Consular) Mr Alvin Tay Administrative Matters
Third Secretary (Administration and Consular)  Mr Hafizan Ishak Administrative Matters

Attaché (Administration & Technical)

Mr Puhalanthi Pavadaisamy

Administrative Matters
PA to Permanent Representative Mr Ashokumar Nair  Administrative Matters
MSO Mr Mohamed Azli Baba Administrative Matters




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