Inauguration of the Bridge of Diplomacy

13 Jul 2018

PR Tan Hung Seng, in his capacity as co-chair of the Jakarta Ambassador Golf Association (JAGA), attended the inauguration of the Bridge of Diplomacy in Bandung by Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Retno Marsudi on 13 July 2018.  The ceremony was jointly organised by KEMLU and the ASEAN Secretariat.  The construction of the Rp 800 million Bridge was funded by proceeds from the annual ASEAN Charity Golf Tournament organised by JAGA.  In his remarks to Kompass, PR Tan stated that the Bridge of Diplomacy was the diplomatic community’s contribution to Indonesia, and that the diplomatic community had also provided assistance to a school in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara in the last three years.  PR Tan urged local government institutions to actively support and work with diplomats stationed in their host countries for a more effective diplomacy.  One of JAGA’s objectives was to build networks in Indonesia, and in this connection, JAGA had previously visited Bandung, Surabaya, Bali, Makassar, Batam, and Bintan.

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