Speech by Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Senior Minister of State for National Development Sim Ann during the Committee of Supply Debates, 29 February 2024

29 February 2024


Foreign Policy Principles


1        Mr Chairman, in Mandarin please.


2        维文部长在发言中阐明,主导新加坡外交政策的必须是新加坡人民长远整体的利益。新加坡是一个缺乏腹地、缺乏天然资源的小国。对他国而言,新加坡的存在不是必然的,也不是非存在不可的。我们的经济高度开放,也高度地依赖贸易,世界任何一个角落的风吹草动,都可能对我国造成影响。我们是东南亚当中一个多元种族、多元宗教、多元语言的社会。

[English Translation: Minister Vivian has explained why Singapore’s foreign policy has to be driven by the long-term interests of all Singaporeans. We are a small country with no hinterland, no natural resources, and no intrinsic relevance. We have an open and trade-based economy that is vulnerable to external developments. We are a multiracial, multireligious, and multilingual society in the heart of Southeast Asia.]


3        在这种情况下,我国的外交政策不能以跌宕起伏的舆情,或是国人对海外群体的情感为导向。新加坡的外交政策,必须基于我们的核心利益,一如既往地捍卫我国的独立、安全、国家主权、和国土完整。

[English Translation: Our foreign policy cannot be driven by prevailing sentiments or affinity to any external group, however powerfully felt they might be. It must be based on understanding our core interests and acting consistently in accordance with the principles that safeguard Singapore’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security.]


4        从去年十月份在加沙地带不断延烧的以哈战火,牵动着世界多方的关注,也显现出新加坡外交政策时不时会经受的考验。

[English Translation: The conflict that has raged in Gaza between Israel and Hamas since October 2023 has attracted much attention around the world, and demonstrates how Singapore’s approach towards foreign policy will be tested again and again.]


5        对新加坡华社群体来说,以哈冲突属于中东区域内复杂又漫长的恩怨纠纷,要论谁是谁非,绝非易事,可以说是“剪不断、理还乱”。本地华文媒体的报导和评论中都有反映这样的观点。

[English Translation: To many in the Chinese-speaking community in Singapore, the Israel-Hamas conflict is part of the long-standing and complex troubles in the Middle East. The historical threads of who should be blamed for doing what to whom are difficult to sort out – as the Chinese saying goes, you cannot slice through the knots, and the more you try to detangle, the worse the knots become (剪不断、理还乱). This view is reflected from the reports and commentaries on the subject carried in our Chinese-language media.]


6        不过,对不少同胞来说,这是一场惨绝人寰的灾难。以色列以军事行动回应哈马斯去年107日发动的恐怖袭击事件,导致加沙地带大量平民死伤,构成人道主义危机,妇女和儿童更是首当其冲。密切关心加沙情况的同胞们的心情,用寝食难安、痛心疾首来形容,是丝毫不为过的。

[English Translation: But, for not a few of our fellow Singaporeans, this is a massive and tragic catastrophe. Israel’s military response to Hamas’s horrific acts of terrorism of 7 October 2023 has resulted in mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with women and children among the worst affected. It is not at all an exaggeration to say that those of our fellow Singaporeans who care deeply about the Gaza issue find it hard to sleep and eat in peace, and experience great pain and anguish (寝食难安、痛心疾首).]


7        因此,有人呼吁我国政府采取外交手段,更有力地为巴勒斯坦人民发声,更严厉地谴责以色列。

[English Translation: This has led to calls for Singapore to do more on the foreign policy front to show solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza and condemn Israel.]


8        维文部长和孟理齐部长在他们的发言中已说明政府的立场。新加坡对哈马斯在去年107日袭击、杀害、掳掠以色列平民表示强烈的谴责。这是不折不扣、令人发指的恐怖主义行径,无论任何情况或历史背景都无法将之合理化。恐怖主义对我国构成实实在在的威胁,如果我们姑息这种行为,这会危害到我国的未来。

[English Translation: Minister Vivian and Second Minister Maliki have addressed the Government’s position in their speeches. Singapore has strongly condemned Hamas’ attack on and killing of Israel civilians and the kidnapping of hostages on 7 October 2023. It was a blatant and abhorrent act of terrorism that cannot be justified by any circumstances, context or history. Terrorism poses a clear and present threat to Singapore. To excuse terrorism now would endanger Singapore in the future.]


9        107日的恐怖袭击之后,我们出自原则承认以色列自我防卫的正当性。这绝非是偏袒以方。万一有一天新加坡遭受他国的袭击,我们也绝对会运用自我防卫的权利,保护我们的人民和国土。不过,我们也坚持以方必须遵守国际人道主义法,采取必要和对称的措施

[English Translation: After the 7 October attacks, we recognised Israel’s right to self-defence. This is not because we are taking sides. If Singapore is ever attacked, we would certainly exercise this right to self-defence – indeed, our duty is to protect our citizens. However, we have consistently insisted that Israel comply with international humanitarian law.  Israel’s conduct must abide by the principles of necessity and proportionality.]


10      很不幸的,以方的军事反应过于激烈。以方若对拉法发动地面攻势, 情况可能会进一步恶化, 对此我们表示关注。加沙局面严峻,我国呼吁立即实行人道主义停火,让饱受战火蹂躏的巴勒斯坦平民有机会获得人道主义救援,同时也呼吁立即无条件释放所有人质。

[Translation: Unfortunately, Israel’s military response has gone too far.  We are also concerned that a potential ground offensive into Rafah will worsen the situation. The catastrophic situation in Gaza demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to alleviate the unbearable suffering of the Palestinian civilian victims and enable humanitarian assistance to reach them. At the same time, we also call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.]


11      我们也呼吁以巴双方根据联合国安理会的相关决议,恢复两国方案的谈判。这是迈向持久和平的唯一途径。

[English Translation: We call for negotiations toward a two-state solution consistent with relevant UNSC resolutions. This is the only option for a durable peace.]


12      我们不是第一次经历国人对海外发生的事件产生巨大共鸣,并要求政府采取相应的外交政策,也不是第一次观察到我国不同群体对同一事件有不同程度的反应。这些现象,以后也可能出现。

[English Translation: This is not the first or the last time when some Singaporeans would feel the powerful pull of sentiments arising from events happening beyond our shores, and call for our foreign policy to reflect these sentimentsIt will also not be the last time when sentiments felt strongly by one group of Singaporeans are not necessarily shared to the same extent by others.]


13      毕竟,新加坡是一个多元化的社会,我国同胞们来自不同的种族、宗教、文化背景。多元化,是新加坡的一大优势。但我们也得在大是大非前保持高度团结。这也意味着,尽管舆情起伏,我们的外交政策都必须以新加坡的核心利益为导向。

[English Translation: We are after all a diverse society – made up of fellow citizens from different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. This diversity is a great strength for Singapore. But our ever-present challenge is to maintain unity of purpose while amidst diversity. In the case of foreign policy, it is about ensuring that our foreign policy always reflects Singapore’s core interests, despite the ebbs and flows of sentiments.]


Foreign Interference


14      周凯年议员、谢秉辉议员和陈佩玲议员提问,新加坡要如何提防外来势力对我国内政的干预。

[English Translation: Mr Zhulkarnain, Mr Edward Chia and Ms Tin Pei Ling have asked about how Singapore can remain vigilant against foreign interference in domestic politics.]


15      新加坡是一个多元化的和谐社会,各族群之间相互尊重,并拥有一致的国民认同,这是值得我们感到自豪的。多元化的特质,丰富了我们的精神面貌,也让我们在国际舞台上左右逢源,这是不可多得的优���。

[English Translation: We are a diverse society who lives in harmony. We enjoy mutual respect and a shared sense of national purpose. This is an achievement to be proud of. This has given us a richness of perspective and experience that has been an advantage.]


16      也恰恰是我们多元化的特质,为有意分化我国社会的外来势力提供了机会,试图利用民族或宗教因素影响部分人民的想法。

[English Translation: Our diversity also means that external forces can try to divide us. There have been attempts to condition us to think in certain ways by appealing to a more specific racial or religious identity.]


17      因此,我国通过了防止外来干预(对应措施)法令,维护我国社会的团结。

[English Translation: This is why the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) was introduced. FICA is aimed at protecting the integrity of our society.]


18      最近,这项法令首次将个人列为“具有政治影响力者”,使外来干预成为时事话题。

[English Translation: The recent case where an individual was designated as a politically significant person (PSP) for the first time under the FICA brings this issue to the fore.]


19      这起事件在本地华族社团、商会中引发了一些疑问。不少社团和商会素来和外国机构有所来往,他们可能想知道,什么算是正当的接触,什么算是外来干预?

[English Translation: This development has raised questions within some segments of the Chinese community over the parameters which businesses and civic groups can engage foreign organisations.]


20      外来干预(对应措施)法令属于内政部的职责范围,在这里我不谈论法令的具体操作,不过我想以外交部的观点提出三点。

[English Translation: As FICA comes under the ambit of MHA, I will not discuss the operationalisation of the Act. However, I would like to make three points from MFA’s perspective.]


21      首先,华族文化中有忧国忧民的优良传统,华社代表、商界领袖充分知晓有效的外交政策对我国的重要性,他们高度地关注外交动态,踊跃参与相关讨论,对此政府是认同并欢迎的。

[English Translation: First, we recognise that the Chinese community in Singapore embodies the tradition of 忧国忧民 - caring not just about their own success but that of the entire nation. Singapore Chinese civic and business leaders are fully aware of the importance of effective diplomacy to Singapore, and tend to watch developments in our external relations closely, and contribute actively to discourse on Singapore’s foreign policy. The Government welcomes their interest.]


22      不少华社领袖不吝分享自己在外经商的心得、与外国官员打交道的经验,有些还出任非常驻大使,对此我们深表感激。

[English Translation: Many Singapore Chinese community leaders have been generous in sharing their experiences and insights in doing business and dealing with officials overseas. Some even serve as our non-resident Ambassadors.  MFA is grateful for their contributions.]


23      第二点,有意协助新加坡开展海外人脉的本地人士,首先需要充分掌握并了解新加坡的核心利益。新加坡支持的是一个公正、包容、以规则为导向的国际秩序,我们主张的是各国无论大小都享有平等的权益。关于这点,维文部长在发言中已有表述。

[English Translation: Second, those who wish to contribute to flying Singapore’s flag need to develop a good understanding of our core interests, which is underpinned by promoting a just, inclusive, and rules-based international order where sovereign states, regardless of size, have equal rights. Minister Vivian has expounded on this in his COS speech.]


24      在去年四月政府施政方针辩论中,我也指出,我国外交政策的目的不是在大国之间保持中立或平衡,而是为新加坡的核心利益而奋斗。

[English Translation: We have taken pains, for example during the debate on the Addendum to the President’s Address last April, to highlight that our foreign policy is not premised on neutrality or seeking to balance between big powers, but on Singapore’s core interests.]


25      说到底,因为新加坡是个多元种族的国家,新加坡的核心利益必须代表属于各个种族的新加坡人。血缘、籍贯、语言、文化等因素帮助我们与中国、印度和东南亚区域进行商贸、建立友谊,不过我们的视角和观点,只能是新加坡人的视角和观点。我们与其他国家打交道时,即便对方和新加坡有着十分亲密友好的关系,我们采取的立场也必须代表多元种族的新加坡。

[English Translation: These interests are founded on our identity as multi-racial country, representing all Singaporeans regardless of race. Ethnic connections are useful in cultivating business and friendships with China, India and our region, but fundamentally we look at things as Singaporeans. When speaking we must speak as Singaporeans, on behalf of multi-racial Singapore, even when dealing with countries with whom we have very close and friendly relations.]


26      第三点,文化认同不等于国民认同。以新加坡华族人士为例,我们既是新加坡公民,也是新加坡华人,不是“华侨”。只要充分了解以上三点,本地华社人士、社团、商会便可以在建立合作共赢的国际关系中发挥积极有效的角色。

[English Translation: Third, cultural affinity does not equate national identity. Take Singaporeans of Chinese ethnic descent for instance – we are both Singaporeans and Singaporean Chinese (huaren), but not overseas Chinese (huaqiao). Members of the Singapore Chinese community, civic organisations and business associations that grasp the above points fully would be able to play an effective role as we seek to build win-win international partnerships.]


Engaging Major Powers – China


27      尽管世界日益分化,新加坡和主要的外交伙伴仍然保持着良好的合作关系。

[English Translation: Even amidst a world that is increasingly polarised, Singapore can, and does maintain excellent relations with all our major partners.]


28  我国持续与美国、中国维持十分友好的双边关系。这两个大国都知道,新加坡会一如既往秉持原则、采取开放、一致的外交风格,追求我国长远的国家利益。

[English Translation: For instance, we maintain very good ties with the US and China. Both of them continue to work with us because they trust that we continue to act in a principled, open and consistent manner, based on our long-term national interests.]


29      黄伟中议员和谢秉辉议员想知道,新加坡对于今年和中国进行合作的展望,并将如何加深与中国的双边关系。

[English Translation: Mr Shawn Huang and Mr Edward Chia have asked about Singapore’s outlook for China in 2024 and how we can build up our bilateral relations with China.]


30  新中国家领导之间存在着良好的合作关系。去年,中国国家副主席韩正、外长王毅到访新加坡。新加坡方面则有李显龙总理、黄循财副总理、维文外长与多位部长、政务部长出访中国,我也是其中的一员。

[English Translation: We have good relations at the leadership level. Over the past year, we welcomed PRC Vice President Han Zheng and Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Singapore. Prime Minister Lee, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, Minister Vivian, and several other Singaporean leaders, including myself, have visited China.]


31      两国民间交流也很频繁,其中包括商贸往来、学生交流、旅游探亲等。最近双方实行30天免签入境安排,为人员交流带来更多方便。

[English Translation: Our people-to-people ties have also been strong due to, inter alia, our extensive business links, student exchanges, and tourism. The recent entry into force of the 30-day mutual visa exemption arrangement provides more opportunities for those ties to deepen and broaden.]


32      新中双边合作内容多样、基础稳固。2023年,双边关系升级为“全方位高质量的前瞻性伙伴关系”。两国之间最高级别的合作机制是简称JCBC,新中双边合作联合委员会。

[English Translation: Bilateral cooperation is deep and multifaceted. 2023 saw the upgrade of Singapore-China relations to the unique status of an “All-Round High-Quality Future-Oriented Partnership”. Relations are anchored by the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC), which is the apex bilateral cooperation platform.] 


33      在去年第十九届JCBC会议上,双边宣布了二十多项合作成果,包括经贸、金融、民间交流等传统领域,也包括数码经济、绿色经济等新兴领域。中国是世界第二大经济体,也是新加坡最大的商品贸易伙伴,我们在经贸合作方面存在巨大的契机。我们将继续探索如何扩大与中国的合作。

[English Translation: During the 19th JCBC last year, more than 20 deliverables were announced. There is growing cooperation in traditional areas like trade, finance, and people-to-people exchanges, as well as in emerging areas like the digital and green economies. As the world’s second largest economy, and our largest trading partner in goods, there are significant opportunities for us to cooperate with China economically. We will continue to explore ways to further broaden our engagement of China.]


34      促进良好新中关系的关键在于两国政府、人民、企业之间历经几十年的密切联系。

[English Translation: Such achievements in our bilateral relations do not stem from the individual initiatives but rather, comes from strong links between our governments, peoples, and businesses which have been built up over many decades.]


35      政府将不懈努力,继续拓展与中国的交流、加深两国之间的友谊。

[English Translation: The Government will continue to work hard at identifying ways through which we can forge deeper people-to-people ties and friendships with China.]




36      In English.


37      Mr Henry Kwek asked how Singapore can remain a trusted partner of the US.


38      Singapore has a deep and dynamic partnership with the US, spanning the economic, trade, security, and defence spheres. Singapore is the US’ only Major Security Cooperation Partner. This unique category underscores our partnership.


39      Economic relations have grown significantly since the establishment of the US-Singapore FTA, the first between the US and an Asian country. Bilateral trade has more than doubled since its entry into force 20 years ago. Today, the US is our largest foreign investor, top trading partner in services, and third-largest trading partner in goods. We are expanding cooperation with the US in emerging areas like technology and innovation. We launched the US-Singapore Critical and Emerging Technology (CET) Dialogue last October. We are working with the US to develop a roadmap for our digital economic cooperation to chart common principles in areas like digital standards, consumer protection, and data governance.  We are also looking to strengthen cooperation on climate resilient infrastructure and regional decarbonisation efforts.


40      Our long-held view is that the US’ presence and leadership has played and will continue to play a vital role for the stability, security, and prosperity of the region. We will continue to encourage the US to engage the region through initiatives like the Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).


41      Mr Chairman, I seek your indulgence for a few more minutes.


US-China Rivalry


42      Mr Vikram Nair and Mr Dennis Tan spoke about the intensifying US-China competition. The US-China relationship is the most consequential one in the world, and one that we are watching closely. As partners with both, we are heartened to see that their relations have improved over the past few months. We expect that tensions between the two countries will persist for some time and competition will be inevitable to some degree. But this does not mean that the entire relationship has to be zero-sum. There are still many areas where both sides can work together for mutual benefit and for the global good. This could include climate change, macroeconomic stability, global health, and food security. It could also extend to emerging areas like AI governance and safety.


Engaging Middle Powers


43      Mr Zhulkarnain, Ms Joan Pereira and Mr Shawn Huang asked how Singapore is building relations with other countries, including new and emerging markets, to enhance our economic and supply chain resilience.


44      We are deepening our links with other significant global players.


45      Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) are strong economic partners and fellow champions of an open trading system. We continue to strengthen cooperation with both in new areas like the digital and green economies, energy transition, and sustainability.


46      We are also deepening our relations with Europe. We welcomed the UK as the CPTPP’s newest member in July 2023. This will provide enhanced access to the UK market and new opportunities for trade and investment for Singapore companies. We are looking at new avenues of cooperation with the EU.  For example, we will work towards the conclusion of an ambitious and modern Digital Trade Agreement. When completed, it will increase bilateral trade and serve as a model for an eventual ASEAN-EU wide digital trade agreement.


47      Closer to our region, we continue to refresh our engagement with our longstanding strategic partner, Australia. We have complementary strengths and an interest in increasing cooperation in supply chain resilience, renewable energy, and the digital and green economies. We will also focus more on emerging markets further afield.


Engaging Singaporeans


48      Ms Rachel Ong, Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin and Mr Mark Lee asked how MFA can engage Singaporeans and businesses on foreign policy issues amid global uncertainties.


49      We have stated earlier that unity and cohesion are prerequisites if we are to navigate an increasingly dangerous and contested world. It is truly the case that Singapore’s foreign policy begins at home. This is why MFA will continue engaging the public to understand Singaporeans’ concerns, and to explain our foreign policy. Minister Vivian, Second Minister Maliki, and I, along with other Ministers, Ambassadors, and senior MFA officials, spend time speaking to students and members of the public. We value Singaporeans’ views on global affairs and embrace the opportunity to discuss foreign policy considerations. We also do the same with business leaders, chambers of commerce and industry groups. They too are keen to understand Singapore’s assessment of the global geopolitical situation, and the risks and opportunities that arise from it.


50      Our intention is to create a broad understanding of the principles and motivations that underlie our foreign policy.  Hopefully, this can lead to consensus on the way forward.  But even if that is elusive, we must be able to calmly agree to disagree.  We must not let external issues or external forces divide us. 


51      If we can achieve this, then we can continuously exercise our agency and find ways to keep Singapore safe and thriving. This is for the sake of all Singaporeans.




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