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Travelling to Singapore


Travellers should refer to the ICA website for the latest information on travelling to/from or transiting through Singapore. For the latest updates on Singapore’s COVID-19 situation and related travel advisories, please refer to the MOH website at https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19.


Travellers are advised to refer to the official Hong Kong SAR COVID-19 website for the relevant entry requirements before departing for Hong Kong. 


Singaporeans who are non-Hong Kong residents can visit Hong Kong SAR for up to 90 days without a visa.  If you plan to stay for more than 90 days, you will need to obtain an extension with the Hong Kong SAR immigration Department. If you plan to work or study in Hong Kong, you must obtain your visa prior to arriving in Hong Kong. As visa requirements often change at short notice, you are advised to contact your travel agency, the Hong Kong Immigration Department, or the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore, for the latest updates. You may also refer to the Hong Kong Immigration Department’s website.


Customs Regulations: Travellers who fail to declare to customs officers in accordance with Hong Kong law, make false or incomplete declarations, or import goods that are subject to pre-licencing system without relevant licences (e.g., firearms, medications, and endangered species of animals and plants); or import/export counterfeit or infringing goods, can be subject to prosecution, and the relevant items will be seized. Please refer to the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department’s website for further information.

Hong Kong’s crime rate is generally low but pickpocketing and other street crimes can occur. Singaporeans are advised to take extra care of their personal belongings including travel document, money and valuables in crowded areas.

Other crimes such as fraud, scam and deception are also rather common. An example is that swindlers will pose as officials of Immigration Department of Hong Kong or the Mainland via pre-recorded voice messages, telling victims that there were parcels in the Immigration Department for collection. These calls would be forwarded to a real voice saying that the victim’s identity was improperly used in the Mainland in cases involving mailing prohibited items or producing false passports in breach of the Mainland law. They would then ask the victim to provide sensitive information such as personal bank account numbers and passwords in order to steal money from the victim's bank account.

We advise Singaporeans to be vigilant, and not to disclose any of your personal particulars and bank details. In case of doubt, report to the Hong Kong Police immediately. For more information on these crimes, please refer to Hong Kong Police Force’s website.

Drugs: Do not be involved with illicit drugs of any kind. Any person who traffics, manufactures, has in possession, or uses any dangerous drugs shall be liable upon conviction to a fine and imprisonment. Details can be found  on the Hong Kong Police’s website.


Traffic: Traffic rules are seriously enforced in Hong Kong where penalties can be stringent. Jaywalking is an offence in Hong Kong and Singaporeans are advised not to flout traffic rules. Details of Cap. 374G Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulation can be found at the Transport Department’s website.


Proof of Identity: Singaporeans are advised to always have their identification document with them. In accordance with Section 17C “Carrying and Production of Proof of Identity” of the “Immigration Ordinance” (Cap. 115), a police officer has the power to inspect the proof of identity of any person. Any person who fails to produce proof of his / her identity for inspection will commit an offence. Depending on the circumstances and attitude of the person being checked, a police officer may issue a verbal warning, bring the person back to the police station for further enquiry, take summons action or even arrest the person concerned. For details, please refer to Hong Kong Police’s website.


Littering: Hong Kong has strict laws about maintaining environmental hygiene, including fixed penalty fines for littering or spitting. See details here.

The typhoon season in Hong Kong normally runs from May to early November, with the peak typhoon season in July and September. Typhoons may cause flooding and landslides. Local warnings are issued in advance. Public offices and public transportations will shut down when Typhoon Signal No. 8 and above is hoisted.

We advise Singaporeans to monitor local weather updates from the Hong Kong Observatory’s website and heed the advice of the local authorities.

Overseas Travel – Be Informed & Be Safe [Updated on 5 February 2024]

Singaporeans planning overseas travel are reminded to take the necessary precautions, including being prepared to deal with accidents, natural disasters or terrorist attacks. Singaporeans are also reminded to be familiar with your destination’s local laws, customs, and COVID-19 regulations.

Demonstrations do occur in major cities across the world. Such demonstrations can sometimes escalate into violence. It is important for Singaporeans to keep abreast of local news, avoid any protests or demonstrations and heed the advice of the local authorities.

When participating in outdoor leisure activities overseas, Singaporeans should be mindful that certain sporting activities, especially in open seas, may carry risks. Besides ensuring that one has the physical competencies and appropriate condition to undertake the activity, every effort should be made to ascertain if the trip organiser or guide is reliable and competent, and that appropriate safety and contingency plans are in place. When in doubt, Singaporeans should consult the relevant professional bodies or sporting associations for specific advice.


For those planning to travel, here are some tips:

Before travelling

  • Familiarise yourself with our network of overseas missions.
  • Purchase comprehensive travel insurance and be familiar with the terms and coverage.
  • Equip yourself with research about your destination’s entry requirements, current situation, local laws and customs.
  • eRegister with us on our website (www.mfa.gov.sg) so that we may reach out to you during an emergency.

While travelling

  • Always take care of your personal safety, remain vigilant and monitor local weather news, advisories, and security developments.
  • Exercise caution around large gatherings and avoid locations known for demonstrations or disturbances.
  • Be prepared for possible delays and last-minute changes in travel plans especially during unforeseen events such as natural disasters, social unrest or terror attacks.
  • Stay connected with your friends and family. Inform them of your whereabouts and provide them with your overseas contact details.
  • In the event that you require consular assistance, please contact the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office at +65 6379 8800/+65 6379 8855.

Advisory: Email Scams

There have been reports of individuals receiving scam emails/messages purportedly sent from friends in distress overseas. These emails/messages typically originate from an email address/social media known to the receiver bearing claims of the sender getting into trouble overseas and urgently requesting financial assistance. The sender would also claim to have approached a Singapore Embassy/Consulate and the local Police for help to no avail.

MFA takes the safety of all Singaporeans very seriously.  Singaporeans in distress approaching our Overseas Missions for assistance will be rendered with all necessary consular assistance.  If you receive such emails/messages from purported friends seeking funds transfers, we strongly advise you to call them first to verify the authenticity of the emails/messages before responding to their request.  It is also not advisable to give out any personal information such as NRIC/passport numbers, address, telephone number, etc.  Any form of reply, even one of non-interest, could result in more unsolicited emails.  Members of the public who suspect that they have fallen prey to such scams should report the matter to the Police immediately.  Should Singaporeans abroad require consular assistance, they can contact the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 24-hr Duty Office at +65 6379 8800/+65 6379 8855.

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